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August 16 - Officer Undergoes 2 Brain Cirurgies

Officer undergoes two brain surgeries
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ahron Rothschild, THE JERUSALEM POST Aug. 16, 2005
Lt. Elroy Mizrahi was listed in critical condition at Soroka hospital on Monday, after undergoing two emergency brain surgeries.
"Elroy was hit by a heavy fragment of some kind that pierced his armored jeep and struck him in the head," said a hospital spokesman. "We don't know what kind of fragment it was, we have no answers for these type of questions at this time."
Mizrahi's armored vehicle was hit by a shell from a tank stationed at the Kfar Darom settlement Sunday.
An army investigation has been launched by the IDF Southern Command.
What is known at present is that Mizrahi, of the Givati brigade, Rotem company, was responding to a report of sniper fire into Kfar Darom from a multi-story abandoned building a few dozen meters outside the settlement. Two shells were fired by the tank, one hit the targeted building and the other Mizrahi's jeep, wounding three soldiers in the back of the jeep, the driver and Mizrahi in the passenger seat. All besides Mizrahi were wounded lightly.
Note :
When it comes to the palestinian shooter no one knows who he was, what happenned to him. He just dissapear from the story as if he were nobody.


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