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August 17

Israeli troops march into the Gaza Strip settlement of Neve Dekalim. Israeli forces moved in at dawn to expel settlers from the Gaza Strip, bracing for a violent showdown with diehard radicals after a day of clashes and angry protests(AFP/Roberto Schmidt)

Neve Dekalim . Wednesday- August 17 -- Throughout day: Hundreds of youths barricade themselves in synagogues.
-- Mid-morning: Three buses carrying arrestees, mostly non-residents, leave settlement.
-- Protesters throw eggs and plastic bottles at troops.
-- Late morning: Settlers say they will leave at 4 P.M. when they conclude afternoon prayers.
-- 1 P.M.: Troops have evacuated 158 homes.
-- IDF and settlement leaders strike a deal to postpone the evacuation of the synagogue until Thursday.
-- 8:00 P.M.: evacuation operations end for the night; 60 families (out of 460) remain along with many infiltrators.
-- Midnight: Nearly half of residents had left their homes.


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